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Changing The World, One Step At A Time


April 25, 2021

“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”

~Mahatma Gandhi

“I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you.”

           ~Joyce Meyer

“He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.” 

~Thomas Carlyle

To protect the health and to emphasize its significance, the Provisional World Children’s Parliament (PWCP) has chosen to celebrate World Health Day on April 25th! In doing so we honor and call attention the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #3 - Good Health and Well Being.

We invite you to join one of the four PWCP events on April 25 that will occur in India, Nigeria, Chile, and the United States. 

Here are the times and zoom numbers where you can join the PWCP sessions!

Interested in knowing more about what we are going to do? Then please read more about our plans for the celebration of the World Health Day’s event:

To keep ourselves healthy and cherish our families with the greatest gift of good health, We, as children, are happy to bring to your notice the series of panel discussions we are organizing from across many different countries with the health experts and the stakeholders of health on the 25th of April. The reports collected from each of the countries’ panel discussion will be summarized and presented to such international health experts such as WHO, Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF and other UN officials on the 2nd of May.

We are sure that your attendance to any of the event/events will create mutual benefits.

To know about each of the countries’ events and their schedule as well as the Summary Event on May 2, please see our website

We wish you good health and good hope.

Let’s together make a change.


Gabrielle Abudu & Yashasree Gadipalli, Prime Ministers 

Zosha Khan, Health Minister, Provisional World Children’s Parliament




May 2-15, 2021

We, as child ministers, are happy to note that the World Health Day Event on the 25th of April in four different countries has been a success. We thank everyone, especially the guests, the child ministers, and the adult allies who have strived to make it a success! However, we are sorry to inform you that we have had to postpone the closing presentation of the World Health Day Event from the 2nd of May to the 15th of May due to some unforeseen circumstances. It would be great to have your participation in the closing presentation on the 15th of May. We will update the agenda for the closing presentation soon. 

International Peace Day Event

September 9, 2021

We are the Youth Voice & Participation element of the work delivered by the many children's parliaments around the world. We are responsible for giving back to the community (for example, holding food drives, interactions with mayors and other officials, and conducting events that promote the SDGs), linking young people together internationally to get involved in policy making and possibly supporting the government, and community work, share ideas and opinions, and to collaborate together on campaigns as youth activists. We work with young people around the world and we currently have parliamentarians from 3 different continents (Asia, Europe, and North America). We have young people from an array of different backgrounds, including parliament members, fundraising leaders, elected youth representatives, school counselors, and more. We welcome any young person who is passionate about their community, excellent at team work, optimistic, and has limitless potential in a network like ours.


We, as the PWCP would like to reach out to you in regards to the upcoming International Peace Day set by the United Nations. This day is observed all around the world on 21st of September every year; in celebration of it, the ministry of SDGs in the PWCP is happy to announce the Peace and Justice Award for children who have done commendable work towards SDG 16. 


SDG 16 is becoming more and more important. From 2019 to 2020, there was a rise in child labor for the first time in two decades. Additionally, children continue to live in vulnerable and marginal areas that bring in high numbers of child deprivation. Therefore, on this day we need to spread awareness and make our actions stand out to inspire change in the world around us. 


We would like to invite you to nominate candidates for the Peace and Justice Award. The award will be given from the PWCP in recognition of the Sustainable Development Goal number 16, Peace and Justice on International Peace Day (21st September) to someone who has made efforts towards bringing peace and justice to the world. Our celebration will be held on the 26th of September via Zoom, and everyone is welcome to attend. During this session, we will be announcing the winner of the 'Peace and Justice Award' bestowed by the PWCP, who the parliament members believe has made the most effort to bring peace and justice to the world. 


Please nominate anyone who you think has and will continue to work towards peace and justice; self nominations are also applicable and very much welcomed. The winner will be announced on the 26th via a Zoom call being held by the PWCP to celebrate Peace and Justice day. Winners will receive a cash prize and will be invited to say a few words. First place– $50, second place– $25, third place– $20. Link to the nomination form:; the deadline to fill it out is September 21st. 


If you would like to contribute to the GoFundMe campaign, please visit this site:


Zoom link for 26th of September:

facebook post

Hello all,

I am the convener and adult ally for the Provisional World Children's Parliament (PWCP),, which spans participants from India, Nigeria, South Africa, Chile, UK, and USA. We will soon add more countries. The PWCP's activities include celebration of UN Sustainable Development Goal events. In celebration of International Peace day (the PWCP will award a Peace and Justice prize in recognition of the SDG 16 to children doing outstanding peace work in their communities. To nominate someone Who you think has done commendable work in promoting peace and Justice and will continue to contribute for the same please go to Self nominations are also very much welcome. Children between the ages 6 and 18 could nominate or be nominated for this award. The deadline for the nominations is 21st of September. Also, the PWCP is trying to raise a small amount ($100 USD) to be split between first, second, and third place winners. If you would like to contribute to the GoFundMe campaign, go to

Participate and contribute to sustain peace and justice. 


- the Adult Allies of the PWCP

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