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Key Achievements


World Children's Parliament: A Historic Global Side Event


On April 17th, 2024, the World Children's Parliament successfully organized its first global side event, held virtually in conjunction with the ECOSOC Youth Forum. This event marked a significant milestone as it was the first global gathering run by children in the United Nations' ECOSOC side event.


​During the event, the term "provisional" was removed from the Parliament's title.


This achievement of children facilitating such a global event is documented on the UN website.​

We invite you to explore more about this groundbreaking event and its outcomes through the links below:



The World Children’s Parliament (WCP) recently made significant strides in empowering young voices through the Summit of the Children, held on September 20, 2024. The summit convened over 80 participants, including children and adults, to focus on creating a future that aligns with the aspirations and needs of younger generations. It culminated in the adoption of an official *WORLD CHILDREN'S PARLIAMENT ON FUTURE GENERATIONS*, shaped by the collective visions of children’s parliaments from around the globe.


Process and Approach


The summit featured an innovative governance model called sociocracy, which emphasized shared leadership between children and adults through consent-based decision-making. Leading up to the event, around 80 children’s parliaments, involving approximately 3,000 children, contributed to developing recommendations. Participants came from ten countries: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Cameroon, India, Nigeria, Poland, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The recommendations were guided by two fundamental questions:
- What do you see in the current world?
- What do you envision for the future?

Adult Allies of the WCP helped to synthesize these recommendations into 22 themes, which were further refined into three core statements for the declaration: A SAFE WORLD, A DEVELOPING WORLD, and A WELL-GOVERNED WORLD. These statements align closely with themes of the United Nations Summit of the Future, held on September 22-23, 2024.


Key Statements of the Declaration


1. A SAFE WORLD: Tied to the UN’s theme of International Peace and Security, this statement emphasizes creating a world where children feel secure and protected.
2. A DEVELOPING WORLD: Aligned with themes of Sustainable Financing and the Global Impact of Digital Technology, this statement focuses on progress and innovation that benefit future generations.
3. A WELL-GOVERNED WORLD: Reflecting the UN’s theme of Transforming Governance, this statement highlights the importance of inclusive and effective leadership.


Meeting Highlights


The summit kicked off with a warm welcome from Yashasree Gadipalli, WCP’s Finance Minister, who also led a "check-in round" where participants shared their names, countries, and an object or animal that symbolized them. Aaron Castelino, WCP’s International Affairs Minister, introduced the declaration process and sought participants' consent to present the recommendations to the UN Secretary-General. Following some final adjustments, the declaration was formally adopted.

Remarks from John Buck and Fr. Edwin John, founder of the Children’s Parliament movement, underscored the importance of the event, and Aaron Castelino closed the meeting with gratitude and a commitment to continued progress through a Q&A session.




The Summit of the Children marked a significant moment in amplifying the voices of young people in global governance. By engaging children in shaping their future, the WCP not only provided a platform for their perspectives but also fostered a collaborative approach to addressing global challenges. The adoption of the 'WORLD CHILDREN’S PARLIAMENT DECLARATION ON FUTURE GENERATIONS' signals a powerful commitment to realizing a world that prioritizes safety, development, and good governance for the generations to come.


Link to the video recording of the Summit of the Children event:

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